Sunday, July 24, 2011

on the origin of chaketeer, chasters and chaddiction

CHAKETEER, a coined name from CHA-rice and roc-KETEER. No, it doesn't necessarily imply an admiration for the band who sang the said song (though of course I like their song) but it conveys more of a solid-rock admiration and ardor for nothing but CHARICE.

The phenomenon of CHADDICTION runs in my blood for Charice is more than meets the eye! Out of that petite body emanates the power voice that mesmerized the whole world from the Philippines to Sweden to Korea to the US and to the rest of the world. From Ellen DeGeneres to Oprah to David Foster, the Charice Phenomenon blankets the world in a sonic boom and send all YouTube aficionados into watching frenzy. The 'ohs' and the 'ahs', the goosebumps and the standing ovation everywhere speak well of her musical genius Belting out Celine Dion and Whitney Houston as early as 7 years of age is a freak of nature, a once-in-a-lifetime there is to behold. 

Suddenly the Charice Fanatics popped out everywhere. Legions of fans arise from 8 to 88 years in the age spectrum. 

And then spawned the CHASTERS, the most ardent, hyped and die-hard of Charice's fans. They are the fans who can't get enough of Charice (I'm one of them) and so have to make their eyes wide open until early morning to satisfy their unquenchable thirst for anything Charice - videos on Youtube, photos, fan sites, forums, polls, write ups, and the likes. Chasters are the ones that abuse the replay button in Youtube. They delight even in a mere split-second clip of Charice, either she's singing or plainly uttering something. 

All Chasters look the same because their profile pics are all Charice. And they speak new language too! They see Charice hitting high notes and "chamazing" they exclaim! When Charice perfoms with her jaw-dropping dance moves you can definitely hear the crowd roar and it's described as chawsome. And who else can speak the words like chaddict, chapics, chamoves, chadance and all CHAs but Chasters? 

And yeah, not long from now and next thing you know CHActionary might just be sitting in your favorite book store's shelf. 

Charice is more than meets the eye, indeed! She is the epitome of the modern-day youths. The love for her mother and the persistence to fight the adversities of life at a young age are what the world has to teach the youths. Her life story is a perfect battle cry for all the unfortunate and the flat broke. From her emanates hope, passion and zeal to battle this drop-dead rat race we call realities of life. 


  1. Hey Chaster! Following you now. :)

  2. Thanks! awesome. we've got same page layout haha.

  3. Yeah, that's the first thing I noticed, too. Guess we got more than one thing in common. Charice!

  4. CHARICE is the bond that fuses all spectrum of human race!
